It's New Years Eve and I've never been more excited to say goodbye to a year. This year was filled with lots of trials & tribulations, both personally and in society. I lost my dad, moved into a new apartment, dealt with some friendship & family issues, struggled at work, dealt with my anxiety, and just in all, it was a more difficult year.

I don't think I've ever been happy for a year to end and leave in the past as I am of 2016. Still, that being said, I hate New Years Eve. I hate the parties, I hate the change, I hate the pressure to dress up & have fun.

My mom & sister are going to a party tonight and I'll be meeting them later, right before midnight. I just feel like I need to do something for me. Why should I make myself miserable at a party where I don't know (or like) anyone, just because it's New Years and just because I HAVE too?

That was a major lesson this year... to just be me and do things for me instead of what I feel like I should be doing. I've spent so much time doing what I thought I should be doing instead of what I wanted too.

Am I excited for the New Year? I don't know. I don't think so. As I get older, everything starts to blur together and I almost can't tell the years apart.

I don't think I did as much as I wanted to in 2016 so maybe 2017 will be the year I actually do the projects I want... like writing a book & actually finishing it, or producing blog content that is outstanding, and really launching my freelance writing career.

I want to do so much, and need to find the motivation, energy, and strength to do it all.

Does this make sense or am I rambling?

It's probably a little of both... but I'm done with depressing, rambling thoughts.

I haven't written a weekly wrap up post in a few weeks, but I thought I'd post my favorite blog posts of the year instead of my favorite links of the week!

I already talked about all my favorite books, accessories, and beauty products, so it feels appropriate to talk about my blog posts.

Here are the ones that were the most read:

And here are my favorites that I wrote... 

I hope you all enjoyed the year and I hope you have a fabulous New Years Eve and ring in 2017 with your friends, family, and loved ones. Thank you for giving me another year of Royally Pink, and thank you for reading and all the love & support. Here's to 2017!

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