While January was a hellscape, February felt a little better. In terms of politics, I felt like people started waking up to what was going on so I felt comfortable retreating into my own world...I know that doesn't make an ounce of sense but I was just glad that I didn't feel so alone anymore.

February was extremely busy and testing for me personally and professionally. I felt like I hit rock bottom a few times but got back up and now that I'm on the other side, I feel different. I feel proud and accomplished which isn't usually like me.

I just think after a particularly hard month, hard in a way I haven't necessarily experienced before, I feel different but aren't I always saying that? I'm constantly going through something, coming out the other side and then making grand statements that this time something will be different.

I need to just keep moving forward because progress is not linear and even though I have my days or weeks, I'm in a better place than I was a few years ago.

That's my spiel for today... now onto the favorites.

After a low-buy/no-buy January, I would say February was pretty successful in that department as well. My purchases were very limited and mindful. I'll have to do an update at the end of March for Q1 of a low-buy/intentional spending year but I'm happy with where I'm netting out.

With that, I've rediscovered some items within the walls of my home that have been bringing me a lot of joy this month...and one new thing that was basically an essential so I'm giving myself a pass. 

 This week was better than the last few and for that I am grateful. I still feel slightly disconnected from reality but I think that is just the pollen count going from nonexistent to medium in the span of two days.

While I was super productive this week, my creativity feels like it's at an all time low and I don't really know how to solve that. It feels like the older I get, the more it slips away from me and that is very scary. Everything that used to be important to me takes a back seat now and it needs to be solved, I need to do better by myself.

In other news, last night I was at dinner with my family, today was spent running errands in my new car that I love so much, and tomorrow is another family get together. For the rest of the day, I just want to unwind, write, clean and do what I have to do. 

Let's get into the roundup.

 There are very few beauty products that have stood the test of time in regards to my favorites. As someone who loves to try new things, it's rare that I continually buy the same product time after time. Sure, I've gone through mascara and foundation phases, but usually after the second or third time buying something, I'm ready for something new.

That logic does not apply to this particular product. 

When I first found out about the Clé de Peau Concealer about 10 years ago, I knew that I had to have it. My dark under eye circles have always been my biggest beauty pain point and for that reason concealer is my all time favorite product to test and try. If I'm putting one makeup item on, it's going to be concealer, so wouldn't it just be natural for me to fall head over heels for a $75 concealer that is like a magic eraser? 

No one wants to spend $75 on a concealer but when it's this good, when it lasts you years (well past the expiration date), you do it. 

the packaging has changed recently and i'm sure how i feel - the left 
is my new tube

I just repurchased my fourth tube of this magic stick so I figured it was the perfect time for a review.

 It's been a minute since I read a hardcore thriller so when I was deciding my next book after the Fourth Wing series, I knew it had to be one that would satisfy that urge. Ever since reading The Family Plot by Megan Collins, she's become one of my favorite thriller authors so when I got an ARC of her latest novel, Cross My Heart I knew I would be in for a treat. 

Cross My Heart was published on January 14th, 2025 so yes, I am a little more than a month late but it was worth it. This was one of the most interesting book plots I've ever read and had the hairs on the back of my arms standing up more than once. 

If you need an interesting, thoughtful and thrilling book to sink your teeth into, that isn't predictable or too gory, Cross My Heart is that book.

 Happy Saturday! I'm tardy again with my blog post, and just tardy for everything in my life. It was another hellish week that nearly broke me but the sun is shining, it's freezing out and I have an Oura ring sleep score of 80. 

What I'm starting to realize is I need a better work-life balance; I need a better organization system, and I need to learn to handle stress better. I didn't think those were issues I had but it seems to be affecting me more and more, so I'll need to figure that out.

I also need to figure out how to make time for the things that bring me joy, or truly figure out what does bring me joy. I've slacked so much with the blog over the past year, as well as content creation as a whole -- what does that say about me? Creating has been the one constant in my life for over a decade, I don't want to give it up but maybe I need to figure out how it fits back into my life...or just stop being lazy because I think that's what it ultimately comes down too.

My screen time has gotten really bad so if I could just put the phone down, maybe I could pick up my computer and write. I'm continually hitting my 'rock bottom' in all areas of life but can never pull myself up high enough to get it together. What will be my breaking point? 

That concludes my existential crisis for the week, let's get into the roundup!

 When it was announced that there was a new book coming out called The Really Dead Wives of New Jersey, I was immediately seated. After I read the synopsis, I realized this book was going to be the perfect combination of reality TV and true crime.

As the biggest Bravo fan, reading a book about a fictional Real Housewives show taking place in New Jersey felt like coming home; it was familiar and like being wrapped in a warm blanket.

The book was so good and it teetered on the edge of fiction and real 'Bravo' life, which was so fun to pick apart because I was able to read between the lines.

Really Dead Wives had a bit of everything -- familial turbulence, wealth, fame, murder and secrets. Even if you're not a Housewives fan I think you would enjoy the book. It was definitely a page turner and I simply just needed to know how everything was going to play out...it surely didn't end the way I expected it to and I think there will be a sequel because it was left on a cliffhanger.

 Wow, what a week. I feel like I haven't been able to breathe for the past few until now. I know I keep saying it, but work has been so busy and we've finally crossed the finish line. It feels so good to decompress, to relax and just lean into the slowness. It also helps that I have a 3-day weekend (3.5 if you count the fact that I had a half day of work on Friday, which I kind of worked through). 

Yesterday, I went to my cousin's baby shower and it was such a nice day with family. Afterwards, my sister and I went to my mom's house and hung around for most of the day and then we had a sleepover. Now, I need to actually get my life together -- go grocery shopping, pay bills, organize and clean my home, and just do adult things.

Let's get into the roundup.