Happy Friday! It's been a long week and I'm happy to see the weekend. I'm off from work today to prep for a little girls night/halloween party I'm hosting tomorrow night. The day is going to be spent at Trader Joe's, putting up decor, and cleaning. I love hosting these girls nights, it makes me feel so good to have my friends in my space and spend time together.

This week was exhausting; work was very busy and I just felt heavy with tasks. I've been trying to not put too much pressure on myself to do everything perfectly, or overload myself with daily tasks and it's truly a process. I need to also stop trying to multitask and do more than one thing at once and that is proving harder than I thought. 

I've been trying to fully put myself in the fall spirit with candles, movies, food, and decor; I think this weekend will definitely put me in the autumnal state of mind so I can't wait.

Let's stop rambling and get into the roundup!

Pink Positivity of the Week

I moved the furniture around in my office over the weekend and it is making me so happy! It's more of how I envisioned it and I'm much more productive when I'm working. I want to still add a few finishing touches but it feels good.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

What I Bought This Week

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