Last night started Iona College's Spring 2013 Recruitment week! WOOOOO!
Recruitment, to me, is the most exciting week of the entire year. It's the one week where talking about your sorority in the upmost standards is socially acceptable.
It's fine that we scream at the slideshow, paint our nails blue and gold, and stay up to the wee hours of the morning deciding on the fate of our chapter.
Spring recruitment at Iona is the most fun because unlike Fall recruitment, freshmen are allowed to come out! This year, we have a very large, eager freshmen class and I can't wait to meet them all tonight and see who's going to become my future sisters.
This will be the third recruitment I've seen as a sister of my sorority and I feel like I'm an old pro at it by now.
Iona has a weird recruitment week because despite Phi Sig being a national sorority, we're the only one on campus so we don't have NPC formal recruitment. We have round robin rounds where girls are placed into groups and go to each room to meet each different sorority.
Then, at the end of each night the potentials pick who they would like to go back and see the next night.
If you're going through recruitment this semester, formal or informal, here are some helpful tips for during the week:
1. Get dressed up
I think this is one of the most important things. When I went through recruitment I dressed to the nines; I wore makeup, did my hair, and made sure I had fresh painted nails. We're not judging you based on your looks but it's nice to see a potential who put some effort into how she looks. It shows us that you're taking this seriously.
You don't have to go crazy, just dress to impress.
2. Smile
It sounds so cliche and corny but smile when you're in the room. If you have a pissed off look, the women of the sorority might get the wrong idea and feel like you don't want to be there. Be polite and friendly; I know recruitment is overwhelming and I feel for you but just remember to smile, it will make things easier!
3. Keep an open mind
This is very important. At Iona, we stress to "Go Greek", in general. No matter what sorority you decide is best for you, during recruitment be open minded. You might go into recruitment week with your heart set on one organization but your mind might change during the week while you get to know the sisters better.
You will know what organization is right for you at the end of it. In your heart and in your gut, you will know so don't stress too much. Just keep an open mind :)
4. Don't be a follower
Are you going out to recruitment with your best friend? Your roommate? Do you have your heart set on being sorority sisters?
Not to be harsh, but don't think that way. Don't follow your friends or roommates to the organization they want. If you don't want that particular sorority, don't worry. This is your decision and your decision alone. It's not fair to you to follow your friends because you're afraid of doing something alone or because you think you won't be friends if you separate.
That is so not true! I went to recruitment with my roommate and we chose different sororities; we are still roommates and still the best of friends! I think being in different organizations made our relationship stronger because if we were in the same one, we might get sick of each other.
This tip goes back to keeping an open mind; don't be a follower if that's not the sorority you want.
5. Have fun!
Don't think so much about this week; yes it's stressful and very nerve wracking but ultimately, this should be the most memorable week of your life! You are making the first step in becoming part of a sisterhood that will change your life forever.
A sorority is the greatest thing and it will make your college experience. Enjoy recruitment week, you only get one!
Good luck to everyone going through recruitment this semester! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment and ask :)
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