31 Days: Day 1

in , , , , by RoyallyPink, 7:54 PM
There's this challenging floating around the blog-o-sphere and I decided I'd take a stab at it. It's called the 31 Day Challenge where you pick a topic and blog everyday about it. 

I've chosen my topic and it's:

YAY! So I'll be posting hopefully every day this month with the major details 
of my day because lets face it, something dramatic always happens to me on a daily basis.

I missed yesterday because well, it was too hectic but today is the start!

Today was pretty normal, did some stuff in the library, had an appointment
at the career development center to go over my resume and then had classes.

In one of my journalism classes, there was a fuss made over me (awkward)
because I recently had an article I wrote published on an actual website!!
My teacher was happy and there is a possibility that he will 
nominate me for a student journalism award.

That would be so exciting but I won't dwell on it. I like to keep
my expectations low so I don't get disappointed.

Tonight is the first night of RECRUITMENT! It's my 
favorite week of the year and it's so exciting. New shirts,
happiness, new sisters, and the chance to brag about how wonderful
Phi Sig is !! 

I will do another post with the benefits of Greek Life before the week is over
because I swear by it; the best decision ever.

So yeah, I'll be heading there in an hour so I need to start getting ready but campus
is filled with eagerness, even though we are a small campus, everyone still
gets so excited about recruitment.

It's really exciting because I'm on the Council for Greek Governance 
executive board so I have an even bigger role in recruitment this year.

It rained today in gloomy NYC which I was happy about because I LOVE the rain; 
it's not normal. I also listened to Taylor Swift's new song "Red" about 15 times.

So in a nut shell, that was my day! I will keep up this challenge
and WILL blog more. I've been slacking and it's because of
my schedule and my nerves were shot last week so I will
do better!

Thanks for reading :)

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