I've talked about before how I gave up shopping for Lent  and successfully achieved that goal. That's why on Easter Sunday I went a tad bit crazy with purchasing online goodies (okay, I'm being dramatic, I ordered two things).

Those two items I bought happened to be Lilly!

Do you expect anything else?

I've been dying at the new patterns, especially Lucky Charms, and I was in desperate need of a new phone case. I combined those two wants and desires and allowed my mom to treat me with a new Lilly Pulitzer phone case.

I was hesitant only because the last Lilly case I ordered was a slight disappointment; I had read the reviews on the peeling paint and how dirty the case can get but purchased the first one anyway. My case did fall into that bad habit of having the paint peel off and it disappointed me.

I was hoping that the same thing wouldn't happen with this case and when I opened the packaging, I was pleasantly surprised.

Lilly obviously listened to their customer service and re did the case design. This phone case is harder silicone and not painted on like the older cases. It seems to have a protective covering that won't allow the paint to chip. It also has a thicker front border which will come in handy if my phone ever drops.

I'm pretty obsessed with my new case, it's beautiful and my iPHONE is so happy.

My other Lilly buy was their new mobile chargers. I know I'm not the only one whose iPHONE dies way too quickly and you're not always near an outlet or computer to plug in your phone to charge it up. I knew I was in desperate need of this mobile charger and I had been putting off buying it until Lent was over.

The charger is definitely smaller than I expected, which I'm fine with. I've been having some problems with it because it'll charge my phone for a few minutes and then stop. I'm thinking I just didn't charge it enough at the start so I went back to my room today to charge it for the appropriate 3 hours. I haven't tried it out yet so we'll see. 

The charger has been sold out on the Lilly website for a while now; I ordered mine
off of Amazon but Lifeguard Press still has them so check it out!

Either way, I'll figure it out and be happy with the charger; it's too cute not to work!

I'm so happy to be back to my natural habitat of online shopping but not shopping for 40 days definitely curbed my spending and I won't go as overboard as I have in the past.

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