The Louis Vuitton Neverfull is an iconic bag, despite others saying it's outdated, overrated, and basic. When a bag hits classic status you're bound to see it everywhere and think its overrated...that's what classic is. That's why you see it everywhere, real or fake, the bag is simply beautiful.

I purchased my first Louis Vuitton Neverfull years ago from Tradesy, after admiring it from afar for what feels like my entire life. It was pre-loved, very torn up, and in horrible condition but I did not care. She was mine, she was beautiful, and I used her daily. 

Whenever I think I want a new work tote, or need something new in my collection that resembles a tote, it never lives up to the expectations I have in my head. Whenever I go back to the Neverfull I am reminded why this bag is so good and why it has the name 'Neverfull'. It's a work horse, it fits your entire life and then's perfect, comfortable, and classic.

However, after almost seven years, I was getting a tad bit tired of looking at my broken down handbag. I had been meaning to send it into Louis Vuitton for repair for what felt like years and I finally sat down and did it in November.

If you didn't know, you can send your Louis Vuitton items to the company to be repaired. Depending on what you need done, there are customizations available to you and the company makes it so easy. All you need to do is download the Louis Vuitton app, submit photos of the item you want repaired and describe the service you want done. A care expert will email you and you can discuss the services.

Years ago I took my Speedy 30 into the store to be repaired because the piping had come undone and it was very easy... but doing it through their app is seamless. 

I asked the customer care expert to list out all the services available, with the pricing, so I could decide what was worth it for me to do. In the end, I chose to just do the straps and the lining along the opening of the bag. I didn't feel like spending an arm and leg so I didn't want to replace any other leather. Also, nothing aside from the straps and top lining felt like it needed to be replaced.

The customer care expert was so nice, extremely patient with me while I asked a ton of questions, and I truly had a lovely customer experience. Once the fees were agreed upon she sent me a packing slip, a shipping label and I sent off the bag to be repaired. 

What I loved about doing my repair online versus in-store was that all the progress was tracking from the app. I was able to see when the bag was delivered, when it was authenticated, when it was being repaired and inspected, and when it was being shipped back to me. It was so nice to be able to keep an eye on my bag and be notified at every step of the process, and to have everything right in the app gave me a lot of peace. 

I had heard horror stories from creators that said their luxury repairs at other fashion houses took months but my Neverfull was repaired and shipped back to me in less than a month. I was so pleasantly surprised when I got the shipping notification and so excited to see how my bag turned out.

It was delivered within a few days and when I opened it, I was so happy; they packed it in a beautiful Louis Vuitton orange box, with a new dustbag and all the paperwork. I've never bought a bag new from the store so receiving the fresh box and dustbag was a very special treat.

I don't know what I was expecting, I knew it would be new leather but I wasn't prepared for how stunning she looked. The bag looks brand new, aside from the darkened straps on the side. The bag feels new the canvas was conditioned and restored. It doesn't even feel like my bag anymore and I could not be happier.

The entire process cost me $420 including tax, which I don't think was that bad seeing as I got the Neverfull for $500 almost 7 years ago and it retails for well over $2,000 now. I basically have a brand new bag and it was such a painless process.

If you have a Louis Vuitton item that needs repairing I cannot recommend sending it straight to the company enough. It was easy, reasonably priced, and a lovely experience.


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