This week feels like it was 100 years long but I'm grateful because I want the weeks to go by slowly. I'm not ready for the year to be over, I'm not ready for my birthday, and I just want things to slow down. At the same time, I put my Christmas tree up this week -- there's no ornaments on it yet but it arrived in the mail from Target and I wanted to get it up and situated. 

This is the earliest I've ever been in the Christmas spirit, and the earliest in my life that the Christmas tree is up. After seeing the headlines that people who put up Christmas decorations early are happier, I have fully embraced the season. I don't care that it's November 9th...Thanksgiving is a day, not a season so let us have Christmas early!

This weekend will be spent with family time, lots of errands, and finishing decorating for Christmas. There are a few house projects I want to do, like touching up some paint on the walls and organizing my closet, but I'm hoping to film come content for both TikTok & YouTube.

Let's get into the round up!

Pink Positivity of the Week

I had to go to Macy's to film something for work and needed to be there before the store opened, which was incredibly cool. Weirdly enough, I've never been in Macy's Herald Square and it was very New York. The Christmas decorations are up both inside and outside the store and it truly made me warm inside. I love New York at Christmas.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

What I Bought This Week 

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