Happy Friday! I was really sick this week (the Covid test was negative thank goodness) but it knocked me out so badly. I worked from bed on Tuesday & Wednesday because I could not get dressed and sit at my desk. Then, Thursday I thought I was better but an hour into work and I had to call out sick. Today, I had already taken the day off so I have a solid four-day weekend ahead of me.
Yesterday I spent the entire day on the couch and didn't open my personal computer nor did I even check my work email. I can feel myself burning out from life and the rest I got yesterday was exceptional.
I watched TV, read books, and just let my mind relax. I'm planning on doing the same things this weekend because I'm still not feeling 100% and I feel like I still need some peace.
There's not much else going on really...summer is winding down and once September hits it'll be busy again with bachelorette parties, bridal showers, and weddings. It'll be a great fall and I can't wait!
Let's get into the roundup!Pink Positivity of the Week
Links I Loved
- The drama behind Bookstagram
- How to make and use moon water
- Kendra Scott was the star of Bama Rush Tik Tok
- Overwork is killing us
- Career habits to master in your twenties
- Why you need to declutter your desk right now
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