Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you have a lovely day with whoever you spend it; whether it's a significant other, your friends or even just alone for some self-love! I will be at my boyfriend's house tonight and am so excited for a nice night in!

Today I'm working from home and it's much needed after a few hectic weeks at work and just in life. My anxiety has been acting up so being able to chill and give myself a four day weekend is great. That's also why the blog was quiet this week, I just needed a break. I'm hoping this weekend will recharge me for the better.

It is going to be a busy weekend though; Valentine's Day, a friend's birthday tomorrow and brunch with my boyfriend's family on Sunday but I'll find time in between to relax, as I always do.

Once again, I hope you all have a lovely weekend... let's dive into the roundup!

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

What I Bought This Week

*I promise that a low-buy update is coming! I gave into my vices this week and picked up this Love Shack Fancy x SCL pouch but it was on Afterpay so technically, I'm still within my monthly budget! 

Have a great weekend!
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