I'm writing this late, again, while I sit in bed and watch the latest installment of "The Beautiful World of Jeffree Starr" by Shane Dawson. It is so amazing to watch them together and to get this inside look at the beauty industry but also all the scandals that have happened over the past few months. It's like a mini-movie and I'm obsessed.

I also have a horrible cold that I'm not sure if it's allergies, a cold, or something else. It's killing me for the past few days and right now, all I want is soup and sleep.  However, I want to get a post up and some freelance work done. Hustle, hustle, hustle.

Luckily, I have off on Monday so it's a three day weekend for me; I have a few plans like the gym and Trader Joes. I'm just ready for a chill weekend with a few errands thrown in.

My nose is too stuffed to write anything else so we'll jump into everything from the week.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

I didn't buy anything this week, thank goodness!

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