Hello Friday. This week was heavy. I'm devastated by the attacks against Jewish people happening in Israel, and scared for all my Jewish friends and family here in the US. It's scary, the world is horrifying and I'm just so disappointed in humanity.

I have nothing else to offer aside from my deep sorrow and prayers for peace. All I ask is that you look to reputable news sources for your information, stay off of Twitter, and support your Jewish friends and families. 

In other news, it's also going to rain again in New York this weekend which is like 10th weekend in a row which doesn't sound too fun. I'm planning on getting a massage, cleaning, and reorganizing my home. I want to do a declutter of my beauty products, maybe take a trip to Home Goods to finish decorating my living room, and finding a content setup for my office. 

I don't have much else to say so let's get into the round up.

Pink Positivity of the Week

I was very depressed on Tuesday and fell asleep at 9:30 PM. I slept through the night and was in the best mood on Wednesday. Maybe I'm not mentally ill and I'm just tired? It felt so good to be in a good mood, to feel good physically and mentally. It almost made me sad that I don't feel like that all the time.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

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