Happy freaking Friday! I am once again, happy the week is over. I feel like I don't even remember the week because it went so fast, yet so slow. Monday feels like ages ago. I can feel myself starting to get burnt out again because nothing is truly bringing me joy.
I have so many ideas and so much mental motivation but physical motivation is something I am seriously lacking. That is always my problem; I can never push myself to actually do the things I want to do in terms of writing and the blog. I have so many hopes and dreams but when I think about doing something about them, it feels too overwhelming. It feels like I had an epiphany about that this week so I think it will be a goal of mine for April.
Yes, April! We are almost halfway through 2021... the year is FLYING. Last weekend I had my best friend's bridal shower and we officially kicked off wedding season for my friends who had postponed their weddings last year. I'm excited for all of them and excited for myself... celebrations are something to really look forward to!
Also, in terms of Covid, NYC is officially opening vaccines to everyone 16+ years old next week! I was already eligible and had an appointment scheduled for May but I'd love to go earlier and I finally got an appointment for next week. EEEEK! This is very exciting.
It is Easter weekend for us Catholics and because a lot of my family members are vaccinated, most importantly my grandparents, we will be celebrating this weekend and I'm really excited. Easter isn't my favorite (Christmas is better, obviously) but it's fun nonetheless.
For someone who started out this post feeling negative, I sure feel a little better about my weekend ahead and my goals for the month...maybe I should start doing monthly goal posts to hold myself accountable.
Anyways, let's get into the roundup.
I love my SATC sweatshirts from Letters & Lucy! |
Pink Positivity of the Week
Links I Loved
- Why April 4th is going to be lucky
- Podcast hosts are the next beauty founders?
- The products a beauty editor can't live without
- Beauty products editors bought in March
- I loved this article about the Grey's Anatomy musical episode
- How to curb emotional spending (!!)
- Things that can affect your dreams, very interesting
What You Missed on Royally Pink
What I Bought This Week
My shopping continued this week #yikes but I will be better next week! Along with the items linked below, I bought two rings from my favorite jewelry brand, C&C Luxury, linked here and here. I also picked up some candles from my favorite brand, Shop Evil Queen. I bought Do Not Disturb and Bitches Who Brunch.
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