TGIF once again! I completed my second week at my new job and I'm starting to get the hang of everything. However, I am glad to have it be the weekend again. I know it's not good to wish for Friday every week but sometimes I just can't help. I love my lowkey weekends!

This weekend is Easter so I'll be celebrating with my family on Sunday and on Saturday it's errands and quality time with my boyfriend. It's also going to be filled with writing and working... just like my week was. I love working on articles and some freelance editing -- it's a really exciting time for me.

That being said, I was a bad blogger this week; between articles and editing, plus an after-work event, I was not in the blogging mindset. Hopefully this weekend I will get some solid writing done. I was also feeling a little uninspired

One of my goals to continue on, now that I've gotten other things under control, is working out after work. Now that I'm driving to work instead of walking to and from the train every day, I need to work in some daily exercise. I haven't been taking as many steps as I'm used to and I can definitely feel it in my legs. We'll see how that works out.

Now that I'm done talking, we'll get into everything from the week.

Links to Love

What You Missed on Royally Pink

What I Bought This Week


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