Welcome to the Royal Round Up 2.0 -- a new year, a fresh start! We got through the first week of 2019 and it was a decent one! It felt good to be back at work and get into a routine; we'll see how long that lasts.

I'm currently in bed, with a wet head and my new Sara Happ Sweet Clay Lip Mask, watching the R.Kelly docuseries on Lifetime. It is very eye-opening and I highly recommend you watch it.

On a lighter note, I pushed out the first episode of the Royally Pink podcast this week and published two Youtube videos. I'm on my voice & video content game; let's do it in 2019!

It was a little quiet on the blog this week because I was getting back into the swing of things and my commute took about two hours on Thursday night so I was just out of it. Next week will be better but for now, let's get into the wrap-up.

Links I Loved

What I Bought This Week

Have a great first weekend of 2019! 

xoxo B

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