Royal Round Up: Week 51

in , , by RoyallyPink, 12:50 AM
This is it! I'm officially on Christmas break and we're three days away from Christmas (two if you count Christmas Eve as the real celebration, which we Italians definitely do!)

I'm so excited to relax for the next few days, get some stuff done and just enjoy this time at home, with my family and friends. I'm ready to take 2019 by the horns and really just make it my year -- but more on that later!

I'm excited to start putting together my 2018 favorites which will be all of next week's posts and really excited to map out my 2019 goals! I say it every year but I want to take Royally Pink to the next level and I think 2018 was a great year for the blog ... so 2019 is going to be even better.

I'm going to attempt to revamp the newsletter so go sign up and await the first email ;) We may even see the return of my podcast which I attempted in late 2017... I have BIG PLANS.

For now, let's get into my favorites of the week!

Links I Loved

Here's What You Missed on Royally Pink

What I Bought This Week

Have a great weekend everyone! 
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