I'm writing this after a three day, yet busy work week, and as I watch The Fault in Our Stars. This was one of the best books I've ever read, because John Green is a genius, and it was a book that made me sob so hard my eyes swelled up.

It was also a movie that I thought did a good job at staying true to the message and feel of the book because it made me cry just as hard.

It brought something out in me and I just finished writing this post that I published on the HuffPost platform . I was just moved by the movie and started thinking (in the shower of course) what other love stories there are that have notable lines and really inspire something.

It's not wonderful, it's not the best piece I've ever written, but it kind of flowed out of me so I hope you'll read it :)

Anyways... next week I'm headed to QVC for another work trip so I'm going to try my best to write next week's posts before the weekend ends!

I did a lot of shopping over the past week and I'm starting to get all my packages. I already filmed an unboxing which will be up on my Youtube channel soon (hopefully this weekend) and I'll sprinkle in some more products in a post or v-log, whichever comes first!

For now, here's what I loved this week:

Here's what you missed on Royally Pink:
Have a great weekend everyone!
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