As I stated in last week's book review, I've been really into "self help, motivational" books lately and that includes career books.

When Sophia Amoruso's book, #GirlBoss blew up last year, I knew I needed it. The book and it's tips were EVERYWHERE and I just wanted to find out what everyone was talking about. It was similar to Sheryl Sandberg's book "Lean In" and how it was just everywhere, all the time.

It was so popular that it's now being turned into a Netflix series-- yep, this is real.

I bought the book on my iPad through iBooks a few days after it's release date and honestly, I just finished it.

How horrible am I?!

I just got so distracted with life that I kept forgetting to read it and I guess I owe that to buying an ebook and not having it stare at me day in and day out.

Well, I finally finished the book a few weeks ago and my conclusion about it is...well, mixed.

Sophia wrote it in an odd way (not a bad way, but odd) -- she mixed in her real life experiences with lessons she learned along the way. I don't think I can consider this a career book, it wasn't the same thing as reading Lean In or Welcome to the Real World; it didn't give step by steps on how to navigate the real world-- it was more like listening to Sophia explain how she got to where she is and what she learned along the way.

Don't get me wrong, there was some amazing advice:

This book will not teach you how to get rich quick, break into the fashion industry, or start a business. It is neither a feminist manifesto nor a memoir. 

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

We think fast, type fast, move fast, and expect everything else to happen just as fast.

If you don't thrive on going out and meeting a million people, you might end up feeling that you have less of a chance of getting ahead in your career.

There are so many more great quotes in this book, I have so much highlighted in my e-book.

However, I think I was slightly disappointed with this book because it wasn't what I expected. It definitely wasn't a bad book and I would 100% recommend it to people who need that boost of confidence, because Sophia DOES make you feel like you can accomplish anything. Her story is so interesting because she virtually built Nasty Gal up from NOTHING, and it was incredibly inspiring.

If you actually remember you own the book (unlike me), this seems to be a quick read. Once I actually started reading it, I flew through it.

#GirlBoss wasn't what I expected but my goodness, it was good!

Have you read #GirlBoss? What did you think?

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