I'm all about the real world nowadays (#PostGrad #BigGirlJobs) and it's really quite the transition. I am not taking it well but the world keeps turning, doesn't it?
I've always known that when I graduated and started my "real life" I was going to need a whole new wardrobe. Sorority t-shirts and leggings are not appropriate office attire.
Even though I am sort of protesting being an adult, the idea of dressing like an actual "grown up" always excited me. I always envied the women who looked effortless and chic when they went to work. There was just something powerful about the way they dressed but also remained fashionable.
That's exactly the kind of fashionista career woman I'd like to be.
In my industry, (Media/Mass Communications), the dress code is not as corporate. I probably will never have to wear a pants suit (thank God) unless I choose too. Dresses, dark jeans and slacks, pretty sweaters and statement jewelry are more that acceptable.
Even though there is a less strict dress code, that is not excuse for not looking your best. With the Fall season right around the corner, new clothes have me feeling some type of way. I could already tell you that J.Crew Factory and Express are going to be my go-to work wardrobe stores.
There are essentials that I think you need, no matter where you're working.
Here are some of my other real world fashions to shop!
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