Last week kicked my butt. I was super stressed out, hardly had any time to breathe, and had too many emotional breakdowns. Let's put it this was my last Phi Sig Family Luncheon, I'm planning my sorority's Formal (which is tonight) and dealt with owing the banquet hall over $5,000 extra. I picked up my cap and gown, had a bunch of homework assignments, and there was a gas leak in my house.

Last week just did not agree with me, on any level.

Even with the bad luck I was experiencing, I did find some mini windows of light this week and there are some things to look forward too.

Me and my big at Formal :)

-FORMAL! I had my last sorority formal on Friday and it was utterly bittersweet. I had so much fun with my sisters and all my friends; it went way too fast for my liking but it was probably the best formal ever. It was awesome knowing that I made it all happen #formalchairprobs. I just can't believe it was my last one as an active. Graduation is starting to hit me, hard.

-Girl Meets World Trailer: In the middle of a breakdown last week, I saw that E! Online had tweeted that a mini trailer for the BMW sequel had made it's way onto the internet. It's hardly anything of substance but my goodness it put me in the best mood and made me that much more excited to have Cory and Topanga back on my screen.

-BaubleBar: As each day passes, I think I fall more and more in love with Baublebar. I'm not even just talking about their jewelry but their brand as a whole. I think their social media presence is phenomenal and the way they present themselves makes me long to work there and be part of it. Every Friday, BaubleBar does a mini flash sale or a Buried Bauble (a few pieces on the site are marked down but it's your job to find them). A few weeks ago I didn't care that I had no money, I needed something from BaubleBar. I participated in this Buried Bauble fun and received my purchases this week. I'm kind of obsessed. 

-Easter Break: My Easter Break starts on Wednesday and strangely, I'm really looking forward to it. I need a break. I need to get my life together and it's really hard to do that at school. I'm excited to go home, see my mom and the rest of my family, and just sit on the couch doing nothing all day. I do plan on writing some papers, blogging, and getting down and dirty with my job hunt. This is the last break I'll have as a college student so I'm taking full advantage. It's so bittersweet I could start to cry.

-An Open Letter to the Class of 2014: Meaghan McGoldrick is an alumnae of Iona College. She's a year older than me, she was the editor of the Ionian newspaper, and she's probably one of the greatest writers of our generation, no lie. She is constantly instilling me and the other Gaels, along with everyone else who reads her blog, with wisdom, funny anecdotes, and blowing us away with her way with words. This week, she posted on her blog, "An Open Letter to the Class of 2014". It literally broke my heart and tore into me like a wrecking ball. This post quickly floated around Twitter and Facebook with all my classmates posting and retweeting it. Then, suddenly the post was on Huffington Post College and Meaghan went viral, again. Please go read this letter. If you are a graduating senior, go read it. It will make you cry, smile, and make everything incredibly real. It made my week better and even sadder, all at the same time. Break out the wine Class of 2014, the countdown is on.

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