Hello my lovely readers! 

Today I am headed back to school for my senior year; even though senior year does not start for another week and a half, me being the busy bee I am have a ton of stuff to get situated so therefore I'm moving in early!

This year I'm living in an off campus apartment so for the next few days I'm going to be getting settled in and adjusting to a different type of college lifestyle.

Friday and Saturday I'll be headed to Camp GAEL again (Read my post from last year's camp gael) which is a leadership retreat in Pennsylvania where all the leaders of organizations on campus go for two days to learn what it means about being in a position of leadership.

I won't get back till late Saturday night and then Sunday I'll be setting up my room and house a little more and we also have the cable company coming to install everything!

I won't have internet for the next few days therefore I have a bunch of wonderful guest bloggers lined up. They are my fellow ladies from the Her Campus Blogger Network and I'm so happy to feature them on Royally Pink and continue to give my readers great content while I'm away!

Keep following me on Twitter though if you're interested in what I'm doing! 

I'll be back Monday, for now, enjoy the guest posts :)

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