No matter what season it is, I always seem to have a million parties to go too; it could be family parties, graduation parties, fancy birthdays, or a sorority formal. I find myself spending hundreds of dollars on fancy dresses to wear because you can't wear the same thing twice, with the same group of people.

The problem is that these dresses sit in my closet because their too fancy or too casual for certain gatherings, or they go out of style. I have a ridiculous collection of dresses.

Also, I have a mighty expensive taste; I love luxurious designer clothing but my bank account does not agree with that particular addiction. 

Well I have found a site that solves all those problems, that I'm sure you lovely ladies go through as well! 

HireStyle is an internet based designer clothing rental company. They have great brand names from Burberry to DVF to Rag and Bone for less than 90% of the retail price. Can you say score?! 

Rentals can last anywhere from 4 days to a month.

HireStyle just launched their gorgeous, new website and a great feature that will be coming soon is a look-book of all the greatest styles, put together by some fabulous, fashionable guest stylists.

A membership to HireStyle is completely free and a portion of every rental will go to Feeding America! So you're getting great, designer fashions and helping a wonderful charity at the same time. I don't think it gets much better than that!

Here are some of my favorite looks from HireStyle:

For a limited time, HireStyle is offering Royally Pink readers 10% off their first rental when you use the code RP4HireStyle at checkout. 10% of your order will go to support the organization FairGirls which helps rescue young girls from human trafficking. 

Take advantage of this discount and get your first designer rental, whether it's for a party, a summer BBQ, or just a normal day!

Look out within the next few weeks for a special giveaway with HireStyle!

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