TGIF and I've never been happier. My anxiety and depression were high this week and I'm ready to just not think about anything of substance all weekend. I know WHY I was feeling this way, for once, and it's mostly because I don't feel fulfilled. I need to write more and I want to write more because when I think about what I love the most in this world it's books and writing. I need to satisfy that part of my soul more than I am.

I also have been feeling like I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough at my job, I'm not a good writer, I'm not really good enough to be who I want to be. That is a very strange feeling for me because I've always had a lot of self-confidence. Maybe it's constant rejection, or the constant comparing I do on a daily basis to all the fancy editors and influencers I aspire to me. The 'not good enough' epidemic has finally come for me and I'm not sure how to combat it.

I'm trying to push that feeling deep down to a place where I can't feel it but I don't know how well I'm doing. Maybe it was just a bad week, maybe tomorrow will be better.

To help get through the hard days I immersed myself in goal setting, made 100 google docs for my life, from the blog to budgets, and watched Youtube videos on planning. The videos oddly calmed me and I recommend everyone watch Milk and Honey Life's videos.

In other news... I did my civic duty yesterday and voted in the New York Primaries. I had forgotten about election day until I was flooded with it on social media and I was already at work, far away from my voting location. As I mentioned, I was not having a good day and it would've been really easy for me to just go into my house and crash on the couch. However, I shook it off, got in my car and drove to vote. The entire process, door to door, took maybe 10 minutes. And guess what? I felt SO much better afterward knowing that I did my part.

Enough with the rambles, let's get into the good stuff.


What You Missed On Royally Pink

I mentioned in yesterday's post that I had made some edits to the blog, some of which you probably didn't notice but I felt like sharing! 

I added a 'Mental Health' tab to the 'Pages' section so if you want to quickly search all my posts on anxiety and mental health, you can just click that.

In the backend, I went in and deleted some old, outdated posts. I also made edits to tags to help make searching a bit easier and reformatted some older posts. It was so weird and interesting to go back and look at old posts from when I first started and see how far I've come in terms of writing, formatting, editing, and photos. 

There will be more edits coming so stay tuned! 

What I Bought This Week:

I'm on a strict no impulse buy after I started reading Refinery29 'Money Diaries' and making a new, insanely detailed budget, but I had to get some things from the Ulta 21 Days of Beauty sale! 

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