I don't understand how it's still January, I don't understand how so much has happened in 31 days the past two weeks. This is a bad dream I want to wake up from.

Besides the world falling down around us, my head has been spinning in every direction. I have not felt connected to my body, I feel like I'm floating and just unable to keep up with everything going on. I was doing good, and then I slipped, letting my guard down and letting myself get sucked back into the digital void. 

It doesn't help that I started reading Fourth Wing over the weekend and am already almost halfway through Onyx Storm, so my sense of reality is all screwed up. I always tend to have a little bit of an outer body experience when I get sucked into a good book series, and this is no different.

I was busy all last weekend (with all positive things) and the same goes for this weekend. Work has been insane and we have a really intense two weeks coming up; I am just racing to the finish line and I feel like I can't breathe. I feel like I'm not living, I'm just going through the motions, checking items off a to-do list and crossing days off the calendar. I hate that feeling and I vowed that 2025 would be different...but that's really difficult when you're in fight or flight mode at all hours of the day because your world is evaporating before your eyes.

That's why I haven't blogged, why I haven't written any of my book draft, why a YouTube video sits half edited in my iMovie queue and why I can't even find it in me to press post on a TikTok video. I am frozen and I don't know how to unfreeze myself.

That was a lot, and I apologize but I just needed to get it all out.

I'm hoping that a really nice weekend with family and friends will do my body, mind and spirit better so we will see. Let's get into the roundup.

Pink Positivity of the Week 

Once again, I am struggling to find any positive thing that happened this past week but if I had to choose, I'd say that finally reading Fourth Wing was a major positive. I haven't fallen in love with a series like this in years and it feels good, but also incredibly chaotic. I have Substack post planned for this coming week on it, but once I finish Onyx Storm I'll do a book review here.

Links I Loved

I didn't buy anything this week and clearly didn't post on the blog so I hope you all have a great weekend!


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