It is January 80th. No one is sane. Half of the country is frozen, the other is still burning. We live in hell. Why is it that 4 day work weeks are always longer than 5 day weeks? I don't understand how we still have an entire week left of doesn't make any sense. 

This was a very hard week, with a lot of news flying at us and truly, in the blink of an eye, our entire world changed. It's horrible but please take care of yourself, your loved ones and stay off social media. I might do an entire post either here or on Substack about social media and the state of the world. 

Speaking of social media, TikTok went away for only 14 hours this weekend and it nearly caused me to have a heart attack. I could not handle the uncertainty that came along with it, and all the implications that came along with it. The doomsday narratives, the doomscrolling, it was all too much for me which is why I'm happy to say that I have spent minimal time on TikTok since it was brought back.

And it feels good.

But more on that later, let's get into the roundup.

Pink Positivity of the Week 

We need to find small joys in our everyday lives, especially the next four years...and one of mine this week was the most delicious cinnamon chip scone. I bought it at the café at work and it satisfied something in me that I didn't even know existed. I need to find a way to either make them at home or somewhere near me that sells them...because it was life changing.

I also saw George Clooney while out to tea with my coworkers and it was an insane experience. 

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

I didn't buy anything this week -- my low buy is going strong!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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