Happy Friday! We got through the first full week of January with flying colors... well, I hope. I'm working from home today and very happy about that. Work from home days are my favorite because I get so much work done and not commuting is fabulous.

I have a fun weekend planned -- I'm heading into the city with my boyfriend to see Frozen on Broadway! It was my Christmas present from him and it's a show that I've wanted to see since it debuted so I am PUMPED UP! I will report back with my thoughts but make sure you follow me on Instagram and Twitter (@bribrilukes) for a real-time look.

It already feels like January is flying by, even though it's only the 11th but I'm trying to savor every moment. I have a lot of fun things planned and I'm really excited!

For now, let's get into my loves of the week!

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

Have a great weekend everyone!
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