I've been out of the monthly beauty subscription game for a while because I'm a broke, post grad with no job. I can't afford a Starbucks coffee, never  mind $10 a month for beauty products.

Lately, I've been really bored and watching beauty vloggers on Youtube; a lot of them subscribe to a variety of different beauty services so I've been tempted to subscribe again. 

I took the plunge last month and decided to splurge on an Ipsy Glam Bag subscription, at least for a month.

I patiently awaited the arrival of my Glam Bag but not before checking my Glam Room to see what goodies I was going to be receiving. I wasn't too thrilled, there wasn't anything I would die for but it was a nice little selection. 

//Hang Ten Dark Tanning Oil: I'm not big on tanning oil but this is a nice little deluxe sample. This is great to throw in a beach bag because it's not too big or clunky. I don't know if I'll ever use it because I don't think I ever tried a tanning oil but hey who knows. It's still something that's nice to have.

//Nailtini in Mango Rita: I've always seen Nailtini in the Ipsy Glam Bags but never received any. This color is gorgeous! It's a natural, peach color with a good amount of shimmer mixed it. The brush is a little longer than most regular nail polishes which will work out well when painting my nails. I haven't tried it out yet so we'll see!

//Elizabeth Mott Tints and Sass: This is cheek and lip tint, similar to Benetint. It's a cherry red color and has a great applicator, similar to a standard lip gloss. The formula doesn't seem sticky so it might work out well. I always get confused as to how to apply this sort of product to your cheeks but maybe this applicator will help out. I shall let you know!

//Clear Clinic Vanished Clear Spot Treatment: I love getting products like this in subscription services because they're the perfect little sample and something I would never buy. I used this product a few times already because I had a blemish and it really works. It dries up the blemish and brings it to the surface, essentially healing it quicker. This also has a great applicator and I'm kind of obsessed with this.

//BareMinerals 5 in 1 Advanced Performing Cream Eyeshadow: I love cream eyeshadows and it's something I want to really get into. They're a lot easier to apply and the fall out is seriously minimal. This color is a bit harsh, a really dark brown so it's good for the upcoming Fall. It's a serious creamy eyeshadow so I'm excited to really try it out.

This Glam Bag was sub par but it was still a nice little gift to myself. Once I get a job and get paid regularly, I feel like I'll subscribe to Glam Bag on the regular.

Do you subscribe to any beauty subscription services? What are your favorites? Tell me in the comments!

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