This week's spotlight goes to, a wonderful website where myself along with other incredible young women blog about all sorts of subjects.

I love how this is a website dedicated completely to everything a young college woman needs to know.

Don't know how to handle roommate drama? Need help with your resume? Want to know how to live healthier? UChic has it all!

University Chic published their own book for young girls going into college called "The College Girl's Guide to Everything." I bought it my senior year of high school and it helped me so much. I still look through it from time to time. Because I had the book and read the website frequently, I felt prepared for not just the school side of college but the social side also.

It's not just college that UChic is geared toward; they have articles and sections dedicated to graduates and grad students also. 

The thing I love about UChic is that they care about their readers; working with them is such a pleasure and they truly want young women to succeed. It's very rewarding knowing that people are looking out for you.

It really is such a great outlet for young women to go too when they need some advice on things that only other college students and graduates would understand. It's perfect!

Go over to and take a look!

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