I love bags. Any bag, any color, any designer, any shape. 

I have an insane collection and every time I walk into the handbag department of Nordstrom or Bloomingdales, my heart melts.

I usually never buy myself a bag unless it's within my budget and I can't live without it; other than that, I always ask for a bag for my birthday and Christmas or another special occasion.

With my summer job, I've been spending a lot but not really on expensive things. Whenever I spend over $70 on one item, I have a panic attack. I just can't part with my money. Also, I'm trying to save some money so I could buy a car in the near future.

That's why this is a post all about the bags and wallets I want but just cannot afford.

The Michael Kors "Jet Set" Tote
I bought this in black for my mom for mother's day and it's an amazing bag!
It's a tote bag but not too big, it looks like a regular handbag but it's so much larger inside.
I bought it for her in black at Annie Sez so it was only around $130. At Nordstrom
this bag costs $228. 

This is a bag that I will be keeping my eye on and maybe this will be my next Christmas or birthday gift. It's just too pretty and too practical to not have!

This is the Kate Spade New York Harrison Street Wallet.
Isn't it gorgeous?! 
I'm in desperate need of a new wallet and I love the sleek look of this gold shimmer
It has over eight credit card slots, a coin purse inside with three sections for coupons,
money, and all other things you put in your wallet. 
Also what  I love is that there is an outside pocket for things you need
on the regular instead of searching through your wallet at the register.
At Nordstrom, this Kate Spade item costs $198. A little too high for my liking
for a wallet but I love it!!

Kate Spade New York Leighton Shoulder Bag
This is what love looks like.
I have fallen in love with this bag!
It's one of the most beautiful bags I have ever laid eyes on.
I love the quilted pattern and the chains over the fabric. Inside it looks like a tote 
and is a little large for an fabulous bag like this 
but I love big bags; they're perfect.
To me, this is such a sleek, fabulous bag. It's such a luxury bag 
and I adore it. At Nordstrom, it costs $468; definitely pricey
so I most likely will never see it in my future but a girl can
dream, right?

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