I feel like I haven't done one of these posts in weeks, when in reality it's only been two weeks.

I'll be honest when I say I've felt very disconnected from my blog lately. I'm writing posts but I'm not posting them on social media, and I feel like I'm not engaging. I hate that, because I really want to throw myself into this and do some fun stuff, but work has been crazy and I'm exhausted on the weekends.

Sometimes the last thing I want to do at night after work, or on a Saturday afternoon, is go back on the computer and try to form coherent thoughts.

Also, this weekend, starts a very busy few weeks for me. Between graduation parties, 4th of July, brunches, and dinners with friends, I'm excited to have a lot of things to look forward too.

That's something I'll talk about more in a future post I'm planning--making time for your life when you're busy with your first real job. Boy have I learned a few new lessons.

I've also been doing a shit-ton of shopping. It's actually horrific but I've also been saving money & paying my bills on time so I think I deserve some retail therapy (even if it is every week)-- so expect a few haul posts soon!

Anyways, first off let's talk about the incredible events that occured yesterday. I'm so proud that our country finally found the good and legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. LOVE WINS #America ;)

Here are the rest of the links I've been loving over the past two weeks:

Eva Chen spoke to Elite Daily #dreams

Speaking of Eva Chen, Lucky Magazine got into some heat a few weeks back #yikes

Umm, Riley Curry stole the show (I know I'm late to the game, #sorry)

Us anxiety ridden people are a little complicated to love

Give me all the Baked Brie.. no seriously, expect a recipe post on this soon #NOM

Refinery29 did a beauty competition and some of the winners are pretty dam awesome

Kylie Jenner >>>>

All girls schools are amazing and I recommend them to everyone at least once in their life

What did you love this week?

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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